Natural Herbal Skin Care

Can echinacea help you look your best? Traditional uses and modern research suggests that echinacea could help the following skin problems:
- Acne (mixed with chaste tree infusion for hormonal acne, or topically)(40, 127)
- Skin rashes (topical application for eczema and psoriasis)(40)
- Dark skin spots (hyperpigmentation)(128, 129)
- Dry skin and wrinkles(54)
- Sores (applied topically)(40)
- Sun damage(130)
- Wound healing (topical)(40)
Native Americans traditionally used echinacea in a topical poultice to heal skin wounds. Now they recommend applying a topical echinacea tincture as well as taking some echinacea orally. Experts suggest you can also add drops of echinacea extract to a homemade skin cream to sooth sensitive dry skin.(7, 131)
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