Instructions for an Echinacea Tincture

A tincture is like a really potent tea, and can be stored in little glass containers with eye droppers indefinitely. You will know an echinacea tincture is potent if a few drops cause a tingling sense on your tongue.(20)
General directions:(13, 20, 56)
- For echinacea root tincture, chop ½ cup of fresh root and put in a glass jar, adding 1 cup of liquid (2:1 ratio).
- For echinacea flower tincture (fresh or dry), add fresh or dried flowers to fill a quart jar ⅔ of the way, and then top off with liquid. Some experts suggest using a spice grinder or a mortar and pestle for dried herbs to release essential oils. Hint: Whether whole or ground, you will need more dried herbs than fresh; if you don't have enough for a quart jar use a smaller one to achieve the proper herb-to-liquid ratio.
- For alcohol tinctures, you will need to choose a food-grade — never rubbing (isopropyl) — alcohol. Choose one between 80 and 100 proof, like a vodka or brandy. But you don't need to use alcohol! You can use apple cider vinegar or glycerin instead. Hint: If using vinegar cover the top with plastic wrap to prevent corrosive rusting.
- Store in a cool, dark area for 2-4 weeks, shaking the jar daily to mix the contents.
- After 2-4 weeks, you can strain the liquid if you want. Using cheesecloth to strain the tincture through works well.
- If desired, before storing tinctures you can mix the finished root and flower tinctures. This may take advantage of the synergistic health benefits whole-herb mixtures have demonstrated in clinical studies.
- Experts recommend that tinctures be stored only in glass bottles, preferably dark glass. Hint: store in small dark bottles with eyedropper tops for easy use.
Native American Recipe
The Native American Crow people have a different recipe to create a much stronger tincture:(7)
Ingredients:(7)- 1 quart of cleaned, chopped Echinacea angustifolia roots
- ½ cup of grain alcohol
- Water for boiling
- Boil roots in a pot with 2 inches of water covering them for 4 hours. Add water as it evaporates.
- Cool and add grain alcohol.
- Store in dark-colored glass bottle for 2 weeks.
- Strain and separate liquid into smaller dark-colored glass bottles with dropper caps.
These small bottles of tincture can be stored in a dark, cool place and remain potent for a full year.(7)
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