Safety Precautions for Goldenseal

Experiments have shown that berberine, an alkaloid constituent of goldenseal, increases bilirubin levels. Bilirubin is a normal waste byproduct of blood, but in situations where the liver is not removing bilirubin from the blood it can accumulate and cause jaundice (typically presenting as yellow-orange skin).(48, 157)
Excessively high levels of bilirubin from severe and untreated jaundice can result in kernicterus, a type of brain damage caused by bilirubin in brain tissue. Kernicterus causes cerebral palsy and hearing loss.(157)
Is Goldenseal Safe for Pregnant or Nursing Women?
Experts caution that pregnant or lactating women should absolutely avoid taking goldenseal. Not only is there an increased risk of kernicterus (and even fatality) from berberine, it also may cause DNA damage.(48, 143)
In animal studies, goldenseal has been linked to tumors in the liver. Lab and animal research has positively linked berberine and other goldenseal compounds with DNA damage. Tests show berberine is the most toxic goldenseal compound for DNA.(143)